It’s been pretty quiet on the blog, though it definitely has not been quiet in real life. I have lots of things that I’m looking forward to sharing with you!
First off, I had a pair of papers published this summer from the Data Doubles project. The first paper is the result of focus groups around student expectations of privacy from three different educational data scenarios:
Jones, K. M. L., Goben, A., Perry, M. R., Regalado, M., Salo, D., Asher, A. D., Smale, M. A., & Briney, K. A. (2023). Transparency and Consent: Student Perspectives on Educational Data Analytics Scenarios. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 23(3), 485–515.
No paywall version here:]
The second article covers the development of the large, reproducible survey (published here) we did the in the second phase of the Data Doubles research:
Asher, A., Briney, K., & Goben, A. (2023). Valid questions: the development and evaluation of a new library learning analytics survey. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 24(2), 101–119.
No paywall version here:
These two papers wrap up the work I’ve done on that huge project. I miss working with everyone but we did get some great findings out of the work! I hope you enjoy them.