Managing Data for Patron Privacy

Are you a librarian concerned about keeping patron data private? Check out “Managing Data for Patron Privacy: Comprehensive Strategies for Libraries“, co-written with Becky Yoose and published in June 2022.

Summary: Libraries are not exempt from the financial costs of data breaches or leaks, no matter the size. Whether from a library worker unwittingly sharing a patron’s address with a perpetrator of domestic violence to leaving sensitive patron data unprotected, patrons can also pay a hefty price when libraries fail to manage patron data securely and ethically. In Kristin Briney and Becky Yoose’s new guide “Managing Data for Patron Privacy: Comprehensive Strategies for Libraries,” published by ALA Editions, readers will learn concrete action steps for putting the ethical management of data into practice, following two common public and academic library cumulative case studies.

“Managing Data for Patron Privacy” is available from ALA Editions.

Here’s what people are saying:

“This compact, well-organized guide provides a wide range of detailed practical guidance for managing information in order to protect the privacy of library patrons… Librarians will find this an invaluable resource.” — D. Bantz, CHOICE magazine, October 2023.

“This is a clear, forcefully written book that should find its audience among
library technologists looking to take next steps in improving patron privacy.” — Thomas Dowling, Technical Services Quarterly

“Kristin Briney and Becky Yoose have written an essential book that serves as a call to action, urging library workers to think critically about what we deem “patron data” and how and why we as library workers manage patron data… If you seek a book that challenges your idea of patron data and your position in managing it while offering real-world, applicable examples as a guide, Managing Data for Patron Privacy: Comprehensive Strategies for Libraries is a must read.” — Jasmine Shumaker, College & Research Libraries

“Written in library language, this colorful resource is a must buy for every library facing this climate of endless data used in the functioning of the organization. The case studies are real life, useable examples and the notes at the end of each chapter support and give much needed information to support the claims made by the authors.” — Sheila Hayes, Journal of Hospital Librarianship

“The most interesting part of Managing Data for Patron Privacy: Comprehensive Strategies for Libraries is how the book exposes tensions between the architecture of our library systems and the ethic of privacy that the information professions emphasize. Authors Kristin Briney and Becky Yoose use their book to offer practical consideration for managing personally identifiable information in libraries.” — Levi Dolan, Journal of eScience Librarianship

“Data is the new oil – like oil it holds value, and like oil, its mishandling can lead to damaging and hard-to-resolve situations. Managing Data for Patron Privacy offers an array of strategies to mitigate such situations, while inviting an intriguing question – can the library still be considered a private space?” — Romney Adams, Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association

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